Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Finny's Random Ramblings (titled by Kate)

Hello everybody...hope you love how much we're posting, cause we do post a lot. :P Here's two pictures that Sonja took a few days the one of Taylor, Mia and I it kind of looks like we're 'leaving her out' of something. We look rather mean. But don't worry we're NOT! ;) Aaaand below is our very own Great Kate Weather Machine. (btw, she made me do that.) And she's with her and Sonja's new FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME (Kate made me put that in caps...:P), Peter Pan in Scarlet...those two are very 'into' Peter Pan. (Sonja and Kate chime in: AND IF YOU'RE NOT, YOU'RE NOT!!! AND IF YOU ARE...WELL, JOIN THE CLUB.) Poor Pepper was acting as the pillow...but he really doesn't mind, he's been kinda lazy since it's been rainy and muddy and he and Coconut haven't been allowed outside. As for the cats, Licorice doesn't like being outside anyway...all she does is sit around & sleep most of the time, but occasionally gets up and purrs around whoever is wearing the Licorice play outfit. Of course. LOL, it's kinda funny. :D
This has been the randomest post of my career. I'm bored. I'd better quit...
Love from Finny


  1. LOL. Kate looks as though she's drowning in that book.

  2. heeheehee, yes I am...LOL

  3. I love her using Pepper as a pillow .. when I try to do that to Raffey he wiggles to much .. LOL!!

    Hope you had a great time reading and relaxing ..

    Ta Ta,

  4. I didn't like Peter Pan in Scarlet. Besides being a lackluster story, it has fact-checking mistakes in as compared to Barrie's original Pan tales. An 'official' sequel with errors? That's terrible.

    There IS a Pan story that's faithful. Click here to see.


  5. Well I'll check it out but sorry, I really liked this one. I didn't think there were any errors in it.

  6. For one thing, it says you can't fly without a shadow. If that were true, how did Peter Pan fly back/up to the Darling window to get it? It says Peter Pan only went once to his real mother. Barrie says twice. Those are just two... and even one error in an 'official' sequel is inexcusable, in my opinion. And I didn't like such things as the giant puppy out of nowhere...

  7. Sonja- I LOVE your website! I've never commented before, but hi! I love Peter Pan in Scarlet, too. I don't think the little mistakes are a big deal.
